How to Increase Your Blog Traffic – Rahul Loyal Dalmas

 How to Increase Your Blog Traffic

Starting a blog these days has become easy with platforms like WordPress. However, once it’s up and running, your next big challenge is to bring more traffic to your blog or website.

Increase Traffic on Blog

Do Keyword Research to Plan Your Content Strategy

Keyword Research
Keyword research is a technique used by content creators and SEO experts. It helps you discover specific words and sentences that users type into Google and other search engines to find the content they are looking for.

Create Comprehensive and Useful Content

Create Comprehensive Content

The most important thing that users and search engines look for is good quality content.

For a blog, a quality piece of content is usually a comprehensive article on a specific topic that covers all the details. This makes it extremely helpful for users.

These comprehensive articles are known as ‘pillar articles’. Other experts may refer to them as ‘flagship content’ or ‘cornerstone articles’.

Make Your Content Readable

Make Your Content More Readable

As we mentioned earlier, search engines and users love longer, comprehensive articles that provide all the information they need.

Now the problem is that humans have a short attention span.

If they find your content a little difficult to read or understand, then they may leave without looking at all the useful information that you offered.

To solve this problem before it happens, you need to make sure your content is easy to read.

Apply SEO Basics to Your Website

Learn Basic SEO

SEO is a set of best practices that help you make your website more search engine friendly. You don’t need to be an ‘SEO Guru’ to improve your website.

Add Images, Charts, Infographs to Create Visually Attractive Content

Use Images

In Step 5, we mentioned that adding images and charts to your articles makes them more readable. Since visual elements are so important, we believe they deserved their own spot on this list.

Our brains prefer visual elements. As human beings, we love colors and objects because aesthetics trigger emotional responses in our brains. This makes us more engaged and immersed in our surroundings.

People love looking at infographics because they make information engaging and easy to consume. Images in your blog posts grab users’ attention and help them focus on not just the visual element but also the text around it.

Add Videos to Your Articles

Add Videos to Your Blog Posts

Videos are the most successful form of content on the internet. Users spend more time on blog posts containing videos than just text and images.

Adding videos to your articles in WordPress is super easy. However, you should never upload videos to WordPress because it is not optimized to stream videos.

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